Monday, 18 May 2009

The story so far...

A very quick post to tell you what we're up to and what we've done so far.

We've done a lot of waiting for the rain to stop...

We've been to the garden centre to price everything up.

We've asked for, and been awarded - thanks, Youth Opportunities Fund! - a grant of just under £1000 to buy the items we'll need to make the area pretty and productive.

We've had a chat with our local gardening expert on the best way forward.

And today, we'd planned a visit to a local park which boasts greenhouses, a 'savage' garden and a demonstration garden, but it rained. Again. So instead, we bought more stuff, borrowed some gardening books from the library and started work on our 'gardening project diaries'. We'll be so well-prepared by the time the sun appears!

That's it from me. It's over to the students from now on...

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