Monday 29 June 2009

What have we learned so far?

...that not all students will be enthused about the gardening project even though it offers us a brilliant, useable, outdoor space. And that, while some students will happily trundle off with the watering can, others need a bit more encouragement.

...that this kind of project doesn't easily lend itself to one regular day a week in the timetable. Sometimes it needs more then a day; sometimes it needs less; sometimes it needs a day other than our usual gardening day; and sometimes it rains.

...that clearly we'll need to allocate more time and energy to it in these early months than we will over the cold winter months.

...that people delivering large amounts of soil aren't always kind enough to take it to the specific spot you would like it leaving, no matter how doleful your expression.

...that we need to be faster if we want to catch Fran on camera in a compromising position. Well, okay, she was only pushing a heavily-laden wheelbarrow while dressed to the nines, with her stiletto caught between the boards of the decking, but it was pretty entertaining.

And finally:

...that now and then one of the students will admit to enjoying one of the gardening activities even though they're far too cool to say so in front of their mates.

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