Wednesday, 5 August 2009


Thanks to Carl and Ryan for permission to upload this great picture of them enjoying swingball in the new garden space. It's proving popular so Julie and I will just have to have our turn sometime when they've all gone home...

Raised veggie bed, featuring particularly rampant tomatoes, in the background. Beyond that is the back area, which we kid ourselves we're leaving wild for the sake of the local birds and butterflies, but if we're honest we just haven't managed to tackle it yet. Top priority for next year.

Monday, 3 August 2009

Salad days

Rainbow radish, grown by our own fair Platform hands and shortly to feature in a very small, supporting role on the Café Jaxx menus...

Sadly, the lettuces were rotted by the rain before we could get to them - and just don't mention the peas - but the tomatoes are looking healthy. Tomato pasta's looking a distinct possibility on the healthy eating front.

Have been giving a lot of thought to the whole garden operation. We can use it for the PSD modules as we'd planned, but the regular watering, deadheading, weeding, etc, needed would maybe also suit a half-day work placement for an E2E student - preferably one of our own! Students happy to garden come and go here but there aren't usually more than two of them at the same time, so a work placement type system might be more workable? Worth a try anyway.