Monday, 29 June 2009

What have we learned so far?

...that not all students will be enthused about the gardening project even though it offers us a brilliant, useable, outdoor space. And that, while some students will happily trundle off with the watering can, others need a bit more encouragement.

...that this kind of project doesn't easily lend itself to one regular day a week in the timetable. Sometimes it needs more then a day; sometimes it needs less; sometimes it needs a day other than our usual gardening day; and sometimes it rains.

...that clearly we'll need to allocate more time and energy to it in these early months than we will over the cold winter months.

...that people delivering large amounts of soil aren't always kind enough to take it to the specific spot you would like it leaving, no matter how doleful your expression.

...that we need to be faster if we want to catch Fran on camera in a compromising position. Well, okay, she was only pushing a heavily-laden wheelbarrow while dressed to the nines, with her stiletto caught between the boards of the decking, but it was pretty entertaining.

And finally:

...that now and then one of the students will admit to enjoying one of the gardening activities even though they're far too cool to say so in front of their mates.

Wednesday, 24 June 2009

coming to life

"Today we watered the flowers and vegetables that had already been planted and then got to work on planting some of the remaining flowers. We put together 2 new hanging baskets with a range of diffrent coloured flowers. We then chose some flowers to go in a big pot and set about planting them. We had some tomato plants which had been left in the sun for too long and had started to die but we replanted them in a pot and gave them lots of water and now we're waiting for them to grow nice and healthy. All the rest of the vegetables and flowers are growing very well and we can not wait until they flower properly. "

Monday, 22 June 2009

Monday morning blues...and greens...and pinks...and...

Julie and Kellé pose among the newly-watered flowers.

Wednesday, 17 June 2009

A sign of things to come

Poppies and marigolds by the entrance to greet our visitors.

A word from our gardening expert

Barry has done great things for us - constructed a raised bed, put up trellis for the clematis and honeysuckle we're going to buy soon, offered loads of advice and donated lots of seeds and veggie plants. Here is his own record of the process we've been through, focussing on one recent, very arduous weekend:

"Well, we seem to be getting there. It seems a long time since we first met and discussed plans and options to brighten the place up. On reflection, I think we took the right approach by being patient and implementing an agreed, structured plan. I think it's paid dividends.
Friday 12th June. My major role was the construction of the raised vegetable bed. This project was a team effort with siting being a big concern. With help from Kellé and Julie, we decided on an ideal location. Many thanks to the men from Best Training for their help in manoeuvring this structure, and also the welcome I received from Rick and John.
Saturday 13th June. We fitted the extra timber to the trellis and attached the back screen membrane. Josie helped greatly with this. The other main job today was filling the raised bed with soil, ready for planting.
Sunday 14th June. Really early start today to make sure the railway platform (our near neighbour) was clear of passengers. Josie finished the trellis and I started planting veggies. Josie was a star and also helped with putting up the brackets for the hanging baskets.
Myself and Josie hope you like the results so far and would like to wish you great growing success for the future.
A big thank you to Kellé for her negotiating skills and to Julie for looking after us with tea and biscuits!

For our part, we'd like to say very many thanks to Barry and Josie for putting in this huge amount of work over a three day weekend when some of us were at home relaxing...
The garden is slowly transforming into a welcoming, useable space; the veggies look happy in their new position and we're buying and planting plants like there's no tomorrow.
Don't forget to come and see us, both of you - we're always eager for extra gardening advice.

Monday, 15 June 2009

Making progress...

"Today we thought it would be a good idea to do the rest of the garden, as it is an excellent day. We weeded the pots to enable us to put new flowers in them. We brushed the moss of the ground to make it look presentable. We then walked to the local town market, where we picked up some flowers for the garden. We choose different types of flowers but kept to a colour coordination theme of blue, pink, purple, red and white. We are now waiting for another nice day to plant the flowers in the pots that we have prepared."

chelsea lea wany

Wednesday, 10 June 2009

They're the Best!!

After Julie, Sidrah and I spent a happy (well, sort of...) few hours undercoating the wood for the trellis and the raised beds, six lovely men from Best Training, Huddersfield, came along and finished off the job for us in no time. Brilliant! Thank you so much!

Now we can organise our students doing the 'proper' gardening work. Next week's plan includes planting up some hanging baskets to prettify the area a little.

Taking shape

"I helped with the painting the wood for the garden. I didn't like wearing the overalls but it stayed dry while we painted."


Tuesday, 2 June 2009

Look at this beauty!

This is our one little touch of colour in the garden at present. But lovely, don't you think?

Monday, 1 June 2009

Started the big clean up!

"A few of us went around the garden area this morning picking up the rubbish which people from the railway platform next door have inconsiderately thrown over the fence! It took us a while to get used to being watched by the people waiting for their trains, and we felt a bit stupid at first, but we collected three or four black bags of Fruit Shoot bottles, old cigarette boxes and carrier bags.

Hoping for more sunshine tomorrow!"
